5 Core Reasons Why Good Signage Is Critical to Your Business Strategy

Never discount the power of a good sign. Here are five reasons good signage is essential to your business or brand.


It might seem like the most obvious element of a business: Your sign. But do you know how many businesses and brands are out there with dated signage or lack a compelling sign that makes their services or product stand out? As business owners, we’re often so focused on other elements of the operation – like sound sales and service methods, content marketing, smart use of capital – that this essential element can turn into an afterthought. Don’t let it. Here are a handful of reasons that a modern, updated sign on trend with the times and your target audience is critical to your business’s success.

1. Reinforces Your Brand

You’ve spent all this time developing your brand, your mission, and refining the precise experience you want to give your consumers. So if the physical sign to your brick and mortar business isn’t delivering upon your brand essence and its principles, it’s working against you. That’s why the right kind of sign can do far more than just mark the physical location of a business – it’s what leaves a lasting impression and establishes strong brand identity.

2. Cost-Effective Marketing

Ever looked into the cost of traditional marketing routes like bus ads, billboards, or even paid social media? While they all certainly have their place in a business plan, your brick-and-mortar sign essentially serves as a billboard for your company that doesn’t require any sort of paid placement. In fact, a good sign that makes your business look attractive can actually slice your marketing budget down. Add in the fact that it stays outside of your business 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, and it’s one of the most important and cost-effective marketing investments you’ll ever make.

3. Provides an Edge Over Your Competition

Let’s say you’re at the store, staring at two similar products. Both boast similar features, promise the same kind of experience, and costs around the same price point. But one comes in a packaging that features far better design over the other. Which one are you going to pick?

It’s the same idea when it comes to your business sign. A customer is always likely to pick the business with the better-looking signage over the one that lacks it. It shows a level of professionalism and also helps instill feelings of trust as the consumer weighs their option of which business to commit to.

4. Demonstrates Your Commitment to Creating a Quality Product or Experience

Using the same analogy from above, you’re not likely going to opt to purchase a product with packaging that looks low-quality. There is a direct correlation between how good the signage is and the product itself: That’s because a lackluster sign implies that it’s missing a level of care and attention to detail that might come through in the product or experience. A high-quality modern sign ensures that the first statement you make with your customer is one that reflects the equally high standards of your business.

5. Elicit Emotions

The goal of your business is to stand out, so your sign needs to break through and stir emotion within your customers. In fact, the specific use of colors and materials as you translate your logo or business’s name into a sign can play a huge part in achieving an emotional response with those who see it. It’s what makes your brand recognizable and memorable, so it’s not something they’ll soon forget.


Types of Business Signs: A Quick Guide to Finding a Sign that Suits Your Setting